"Neurodiversity may be every bit as crucial for the human race as biodiversity is for life in general."
Harvey Blume
It's not something I talk about openly but I am Neurodivergent. I've always known I was "different" but it wasn't until the past few years that I began to understand these differences and accept the True Me - flaws, quirks and all.
Neurodiversity or Neurodistinctness refers to the natural variation in human brain functioning and encompasses several neurological conditions and personality disorders including:
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
HSP (Highly Sensitive Processor)
SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
While I do not have an official medical diagnosis (YET), after years of research I have identified with 8 of the 9 conditions above, which have qualities that very often overlap. Even though most of these exist on a spectrum, it'd be easy to assume that I am downtrodden and cursed, and yet, here I am- relatively happy and content with the life I've created.
I am late realized neurodivergent, and that just means my brain doesn't work like a "normal" person, and I've lived my entire life masking my symptoms and disabilities to try and fit in, unknowingly.
Collectively, neurodivergent individuals make up a significant portion of the population, with estimates suggesting that around 15-20% of people worldwide have some form of neurodiversity.
Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs are a unique sect of this population. Across the world, there are millions of brilliant "special-needs" creative thinkers who are disenfranchised from traditional education or employment. This constant frustration inspires them to go off and start their own businesses in an attempt to find true inner peace and fulfillment, and of course, to take ownership for their income and career potential.
Unfortunately, like most individuals who embark on the entrepreneurial journey, they find that it is MUCH more challenging than they realized. Not only do NDs have to navigate a neurotypical-dominant world, but they often must do this with less resourcing.
In this blog, we'll explore the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of life as a Neurodivergent Entrepreneur (NDE) and shed light on the valuable contributions we make to the human collective.
"I am different, not less."
Temple Grandin
The Advantages of Being an ND Entrepreneur
There's no way around it: Neurodiverse people face distinct challenges in society and most conventional workplaces. But we also bring MANY remarkable qualities and powerful strengths to the table, no matter what field or industry we're in.
The specialized cognitive processing and learning styles of neurodivergent individuals can be an advantage in our journey to success, allowing us to excel in our specific areas of interest and contribute to overall greater progress and advancements in these areas.
Creativity & Innovation
Continuous Process Improvement - rarely satisfied with status quo, always looking to improve processes and systems
Creative Problem-Solving - fresh, out-of-the-box thinking, approaching problems with unique angles and non-traditional perspectives
Revolutionary Ideation - groundbreaking insights, solutions and breakthroughs (Example: I have dozens of future business ideas and even the website domain names secured)
Enthusiasm & Focus
Hyperfocus - intense, unwavering concentration for specific special interest tasks, activities or projects, living in present moment
Hyperinterest - deeply inquisitive, deep passions and expertise, insatiable curiosity on a particular topic, immersive skill-building and experiential learning/discovery
Hyperanalytical - connecting new information to a vast library of stored concepts, leading to unique insights and a big-picture understanding
Hyperawareness - attention to detail, recognizing subtle patterns, nuances and connections, which is instrumental in identifying trends and emerging opportunities.
Adaptability- determination, dedication, persistence, perseverance and resilience to navigate through the inevitable challenges and setbacks of work and life
Connection & Communication
Hyperverbal - info-dumping, overexplaining, oversharing. This could also manifest as silliness- talking in accents or speaking in song or riddles.
Radical Honesty- valuing unfiltered honesty, transparency, clarity and direct, straightforward communication, especially when communicating about injustices or ambiguities .
Empathic - highly sensitive and compassionate, absorbing others' feelings and experiences, exhibiting kindness and understanding
Diplomacy - a strong sense of justice and fairness advocating for the rights of others
These strengths not only make us elite subject matter experts and niche knowledge specialists but also highly productive project managers and leaders. Our keen eye can be advantageous in detailed QA/QC tasks like proofreading, editing, data entry and analysis, while our "feminine" leadership energetics promote authenticity and vulnerability to build more inclusive, diverse and dynamic teams.
But perhaps one of the biggest gifts of Neurodivergence? Our INTUITION. This may be due to a right-brain bias in our processing. If an ND can quiet their conscious mind with minimal interruptions, allowing for deep subconscious processing and intuition to emerge.
ND individuals also make remarkable MULTIPOTENTIALITES. Unlike specialists who dedicate their lives to mastering a specific field, multipotentialites thrive on diversity and variety. Our wide range of interests, skills, and talents across different domains means we may pursue multiple careers, hobbies, or passions over their lifetimes. We can become proficient in a variety of areas, which can be incredibly enriching and intellectually stimulating.
The downside of this is that it can be challenging to choose a single career path or area of focus, as our interests span across so many disciplines. We often face societal pressures to specialize, which can lead to feelings of being scattered or misunderstood. It's important to decondition ourselves from the mainstream and embrace our multifaceted nature as we create a fulfilling and meaningful life.
"Embrace the glorious mess that you are."
Elizabeth Gilbert
The Challenges of Being an ND Entrepreneur
The strengths of being ND can occasionally give us a competitive edge, but this is only limited by our weaknesses. Our shortcomings must be managed and controlled, especially amidst the everyday demands and structures of neurotypical-based working and learning environments.
ND individuals often face domestic, social, academic or professional challenges due to their unique mental and emotional processing. Chemically this is due to low or imbalanced dopamine levels. This can be extremely frustrating and confusing and hinder the rate of our "progress" but these qualities are by no means prohibitive to our success.
As you can see, some of the qualities that are considered weaknesses, could just as easily be considered our strengths.
Environmental Sensitivity
Hyperawareness - heightened analysis and overprocessing leading to discomfort, overwhelm or overstimulation from certain sounds, textures, lights or situations, easily overwhelmed by excessive sensory stimuli or complex decisions,
Hyperstructured - inflexibility or rigidness, challenged by changes in routines or unexpected transitions, preference for routine, repetition to create comfort and predictability, struggle with adapting to new situations,
Emotional Sensitivity
Reactivity - experiencing emotions intensely, sometimes struggling to regulate their responses, lacking a filter
Impulsivity - emotionally charged decision-making or behaviors, prone to overwhelm, anxiety and burnout by overextending time and energy,
Insecurity - poor self-esteem, ongoing self-doubt and imposter syndrome, perceiving judgment, shame or rejection from others, misreading nonverbal cues or social nuances, situationally mute
Executive Disfunction
Difficulty with Task Completion, Transitioning/Switching, Multitasking, Organization and Time Management, Initiative and follow-through
Inconsistent Energy
Lack of Focus/Willpower/Interest, Unmotivated, Undisciplined, Apathetic
Distractibility, Daydreaming, Forgetfulness, Procrastination, Avoidance, Paralysis
Being Overstimulated/overwhelmed and/or Understimulated/bored
Perhaps the biggest struggle for NDs is that our energy is so variable and unsustainable, especially if a task or subject is not of interest. We can experience large fluctuations in our productivity, swinging between extremes of overcompensating, overdelivering, overcommitting and needing a buffer to rest and recover. We also generally live in the NOW, motivated by short-term, not long-term goals.
"Those with mercurial temperaments are like the wind: impossible to pin down, but their energy propels creativity and innovation."
A.E. Housman
On a good day the neurotypical people around us may call us "whimsical free spirits who beat to their own drum," but on most days ND behavior (when unmasked, of course) is mislabeled and misinterpreted as
“outsourcing your power”
"making excuses"
"overly dramatic"
"too sensitive"
"too rigid"
"too intense"
"socially awkward"
"never satisfied"
"always restless"
"out of control"
"lost cause"
But these are far from the truth. We are not broken. We are not less of anything, or too much of anything else. We're exactly the way we're meant to be and simply doing the best we can with what we have: a highly overactive mind.
One of the most misunderstood aspects of neurodiversity is the 'hyperactive' part of ADHD, as this manifests much differently in children than adults. Our bodies and minds are innately restless so we're always exploring ways to channel that energy. On the other side of the pendulum, we face complete INACTIVITY, blatant dullness or disinterest.
Another complaint is our extreme sensitivity. We are easily overstimulated and triggered, especially by
Crowds or loud noise
Small talk or inauthentic conversations or people
Feeling rushed or pressured
As an ND person, life simply feels harder and more overwhelming. The hardest part is that because my own cup is rarely full I can never seem to give as much to others (friends, family, and of course- employers) as I'd like. There's just a constant struggle between what my heart wants and what I am capable of. Our worklist feels eternally endless and our goals feel eternally out of reach. We are always struggling to meet the high expectations we put on ourselves, or that others put on us.
Instead of feeling down for not living up to those BIG expectations I put on myself, I started to re-evaluate how my own brain and body work and create systems and accommodations that work for me.
Your ND Diagnosis
It is not only possible, but very common to be a "high functioning neurodivergent." These NDs have learned to mask their traits and apply them to activities that are more 'acceptable' in society.
These NDs (me included!) blend well into the masses, achieving educational, career, relational, familial milestones and leading seemingly normal, happy lives. Of course, individuals like myself still face problems from our conditions, but perhaps due to our resilience (or stubbornness?) we've never felt justified to pursue an official medical diagnosis and treatment plan.
Some neurodivergent individuals may go undiagnosed or receive a diagnosis later in life, leading to years of struggling without proper awareness of their own unique needs.
Without a diagnosis, individuals may struggle to understand why they experience certain challenges or differences in their thinking and behavior, leading to low self-esteem. These individuals might develop maladaptive coping mechanisms and stress-management behaviors like hypervigilance, hyperproductivity (or on the flip side-- underachievement or isolation/withdrawal) which can all take a toll on an individual's physical and mental health.
And of course without a diagnosis, individuals may not receive appropriate support or treatment for mental health challenges. They might miss out on beneficial therapies, educational resources, or accommodations.
It is essential to recognize that being undiagnosed does not diminish the validity of an individual's experiences or struggles. If you suspect that you or someone you know might be neurodivergent, and it is significantly impairing your ability to lead a fulfilling life, then seeking professional evaluation and support is a crucial step in addressing challenges and unlocking your full potential. In the meantime, feel free to self-identify as Neurodivergent, using language such as "artistically inclined," "ADHD tendencies", etc
"I’m dedicated and stubborn. For me, it is very simple: if I’m given a task I do it. No matter the blood, sweat and tears I do it. I don’t give up."
Lars Backstrom
Putting A Square Peg in a Round Hole
Unfortunately, it is rare for conventional workplaces to recognize or value the unique strengths that neurodivergent individuals bring to the table. The social misconceptions and misunderstandings that surround neurodiversity can hinder NDs opportunities for career advancement and professional growth.
Traditional workplaces and society can present significant challenges for neurodivergent individuals due to their unique cognitive and behavioral traits.
For NDs who struggle with group socialization, the expectations and demands of workplace culture, team collaboration and professional networking can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunication, interruptions, interpersonal conflict, and social anxiety or avoidance.
For NDs who have sensory sensitivity, conventional workplaces and open-office layouts can be overwhelming with constant noise and bright lighting, leading to stress, anxiety, and reduced productivity.
For NDs who struggle with time management and organization, traditional workplaces may not provide the necessary managerial support, access to resources or accommodations to help them navigate these challenges and work at their best.
For NDs who struggle with strict schedules and high-stress demands, the fixed, set hours of conventional workplaces can take their toll on mental and physical health, limiting their ability to manage stress, contribute fully to the organization and create a healthy work-life balance.
For NDs who struggle with rejection sensitivity, low self esteem or feelings of inadequacy, it may be difficult to understand their value and their advocate for fair pay, a healthy workload or flexible hours
For NDs who struggle with demand avoidance, or a strong resistance/aversion to external pressures, expectations or requests, it may be difficult to take work orders or instruction from authority, to meet deadlines or schedule or complete assigned tasks, to workplace rules.
For NDs who struggle with approval-seeking or people-pleasing, boundary-setting can lead which may result in an inability to assert oneself or communicate one's needs, thus hindering professional growth and overall well-being.
For NDs who struggle with overstimulation, the endless noise of workplace gossip, corporate politics and bureaucracy can wear us down.
For NDs who thrive in working independently, the stressors of supervision and team management or being responsible for others' work or happiness can be exhausting.
All of these can lead to interpersonal conflict, disciplinary issues, internal stress and anxiety, burnout, low job satisfaction, high turnover and low job retention and limited career advancement. It's no wonder that some NDs may find self-employment more suitable and pleasurable because it allows for better control over work environment and responsibilities.
Unfortunately neurodiversity is still relatively underrepresented in many workplaces, which contributes to social bias/stigmatization and an overall lack of awareness and understanding of neurodivergent needs. From there comes greater discrimination, stereotyping, and overall less inclusivity and acceptance.
With all of these challenges, it is no wonder that so many NDs venture out on their own in the quest to take ownership of their personal and professional success. Many people with neurodivergence have struggled in traditional workplaces, but entrepreneurship opens the doors, allowing them to flourish and live life on their own terms.
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."
Coco Chanel
Understanding The Chemistry
Dopamine and serotonin are two important neurotransmitters that play significant roles in several neurodivergent conditions and traits.
Dopamine is the reward neurotransmitter that regulates motivation, attention, mood, focus, and movement. It touches only a handful of brain receptors so is often affiliated with short-term, fleeting pleasures.
The following ND behaviors promote dopamine production:
Researching down rabbit holes
Tangents and side-quests
Doom-scrolling or "hopequesting" on social media
Over-sharing on social media
Solo sports or Gaming
Blaring music
Binge watching TV
Binge eating
"Rage cleaning"
Impulse spending or "Retail therapy"
Thrill-seeking: skydiving, roller coaster rides
Overusing or dependency on (often addictive) substances like coffee, soda, sugar, fat, nicotine or alcohol
None of these behaviors are necessarily bad or wrong, they just might not be the healthiest or most sustainable ways to reach your goals. This is because once we achieve what we want, dopamine drops off, resetting to get ready for the next thing. You'll always be chasing happiness with dopamine activities, so its important to learn how to focus on finding pleasure in the journey, not the destination.
Serotonin is a similar "feel-good" neurotransmitter, but it it far more sustained because it touches almost triple the amount of brain receptors than dopamine does.
The following behaviors stimulate serotonin production:
Meditation and breathwork
Dance parties
Moon circles
Having shared experiences through travel, meals or work (also called "body doubling")
Charitable giving or acts of kindness
Being in community with like-minded people
Creative arts like painting, writing, music
Physical activity like yoga, running, cycling etc
Sunlight and nature/outdoor time
Good, nourishing foods
Gratitude practices
Interestingly, most of these serotonin-releasing activities are deeply CONNECTION-BASED, associated with sustained feelings of joy or peace. They make the brain go “this feels good, and it’s Enough,” rather than "this feels good, and I need More."
Many of these activities require presence and living in the moment, which releases a cocktail of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins which make you appreciate the moment more.
The key to managing your ND is to find a neuro system that works for you, not to "chase the dopamine" like some ‘experts’ suggest. It's about learning the timing of your own energetic waves and being able to downshift into a pace that honors your body to avoid burnout.
"Mercurial people are not unreliable; they are simply ruled by the stars of possibility and wonder."
Oscar Wilde
The ND Cycle
Everyone's neurodivergence will show up differently. For many it looks something like this, a pattern of highs and low.
Hyper focus - deep research, intense learning, focused execution, extreme determination
Burnout - frozen exhaustion or ambivalance
Recovery. - lots of downtime
While the Hyperfocus stage is powerful and impactful, it's not sustainable. Steady consistent action would be much more balanced and healthy.
But alas, we can't change who we are. We can only strive to have a awareness and lean in to the energy that our bodies give us.
Overcoming "Shiny Object Syndrome"
"Shiny object syndrome" refers to a tendency or behavior where individuals are easily distracted by novelty - new ideas, trends, or opportunities that appear interesting, attractive and promising. However, these distractions often lead to impuslive decision making, lack of focus, producitivy or prioritization and an inability to follow through on existing projects or goals.
As a result of their scattered focus, individuals with shiny object syndrome often experience inconsistent or underwhelming results in their endeavors. Translation: A cycle of highs and lows and a LOT of wasted time and energy.
Overcoming shiny object syndrome is possible with
self-awareness - knowing self and evaluating new opportunies critically
self-discipline - sticking to existing priorities and goals
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Internalized Ableism
Beware of "Internalized ableism", thinking that occurs when neurodivergent individuals adopt negative societal stereotypes about their condition, leading to self-doubt, perfectionism, avoidance of accommodations, underemployment, and social isolation. These behaviors stem from fears of stigma or inadequacy, affecting career progression and workplace inclusion.
To combat internalized ableism, make sure to foster self-awareness, challenge negative self-talk, practice self-compassion, seek support through resources or communities, advocate for accommodations, and set healthy boundaries. Addressing this issue helps create more inclusive, supportive workplaces where all employees can thrive.
Your Second Brain
Building a "second brain" system can be life-changing for those who are neurodivergent, helping reduce mental clutter and improve executive functioning. Use your second brain to prioritize, so executive dysfunction doesn't overwhelm you and hold you back from your true potential.
There seems to be a magic formula that is crucial for NDE's success:
Right Structures: Environmental Adjustments
Right Systems: Tools, Tech & Resources
Right Support: Workplace Interactions
With these three things in alignment, we can thrive in whatever we do! Our bodies can stay regulated and our minds can stay focused.
The following alternative remedies, coping strategies and solutions can help NDEs reach their full potential, allowing them to:
understand and accept their own strengths, weaknesses and limitations better
maintain focus and development in their unique Zone of Genius
express and convey their unique ideas and visions
reduce stress or overwhelm when navigating challenges
enhance organizational efficiency and optimize productivity
create calm and clarity throughout their day
minimize sensory overload and overstimulation
free up their precious time and energy
maintain their mental and physical well-being
Systems, Structures, Support? These are not too much to ask. So much of what neurodivergents' need to thrive in the workplace actually tend to make the work environment better for everyone elsee too.
Designing suitable, sensory-friendly workspace environments with supportive lighting and noise levels, as well as places to work in a variety of postures or positions. Examples: access to calming area, dark corner, quiet room, sensory room, noise cancelling headphone, sound dampeners, standing desk, adjustable lighting,etc.
Creating daily or weekly routines or practices that support flow and flexibility. Ex: meal prep, option for remote work, flexible hours
Setting strong boundaries for your time and energy
Commiting to simple short-term plans rather than complex, long-term plans
Prioritizing daily self-care through regular exercise, adequate rest, and stress-reduction techniques like meditation
Clear and effective communication practices to reduce ambiguity- all tasking, instructions, feedback, announcements, and requests in writing; notes or recordings of meetings
Adapting working methods to build in buffer/transition time between tasks. Example: Movement/ sensory breaks, designated focus periods
Presenting change clearly, with as many details as possible, including the ‘why’ and rationales.
Time"batching" or grouping related activities into blocks of time to minimize "attention residue"
Delegating or outsourcing the tasks and responsibilities that are particularly draining
Setting realistic goals and deadlines, which are likely to have longer range timelines
Breaking big projects and tasks into smaller, manageable chunks
Breaking long-term goals into smaller, achievable steps
Tracking tasks or task progress with lists, reminders, visual aids and project management systems. Example: Visual schedules.
Reviewing and re-prioritizing tasks regularly
Utilizing tech tools to automate processes, increase productivity and organize tasks, ideas, goals, and reminders. The goal is to offload cognitive load to an external system, creating a stable, predictable environment that helps keep your focus on what truly matters.
Pick a project management or note-taking tool that suits your needs (e.g., Notion, Asana, TrelloAirtable, Google Keep).
Store tasks, ideas, and reminders in these tools to avoid overloading your brain.
Set up systems that will remind you of tasks, helping you manage your responsibilities without having to remember everything.
Regularly check and tweak your system to make sure it's working for you.
Analyzing what went wrong after a project, making necessary adjustments, and using the lessons to grow and improve
Consider removing tasks that mandate a neuro-normative way of thinking, like psychometric tests or linear communication in interviews and meetings.
Build in a 1 hr buffer before and after each call or meeting to give yourself the time that you need to breathe and decompress
Limit the amount of calls per day - 1 in morning and 1 in afternoon
Enforce "No Meeting Days"- specific days of the week you do not take calls or meetings at all. Mondays and Fridays are great!
Template a go-to ‘need to reschedule' email so you know exactly what to say instead of trying to find the right words each time
Automate your follow-ups and call reminders.
Use AI note-takers like Otter
Flexibility - require attendance to only essential meetings , make it ok to decline after hours obligations, allow more than one way to show up and participate
Asking for specific needs and accomodations. Examples:
clear and direct directions - written instruction, not just verbal
direct communication
advanced notice to changes in routine
several choices/options
extra processing time
work in chunks
'task-swapping' or body-doubling for teams
Tools to protect time and energy. Example: noise reduction headphones
Seeking support from trusted advisors, coachies or mentors to give advice, encouragement and perspective
Building a network of friends and family who understand and value your neurodiversity and provide positive reinforcement
Recognizing and celebrating your achievements and successes, no matter how small.
Harnessing the Law of Attraction through metaphysical energy medicine and psycho-spiritual practices
Make your neurodiversity-friendly policies public and visible. for recruitment, accommodations and adjustments.
Provide neurodiversity training for employees, especially for managers
Embrace 'squiggly' careers during recruitment, and offer adjustments like providing interview questions or tasks in advance.
Remember that neurodiversity is a strength, and each entrepreneur's journey is unique. All of these tips can be adapted tailored to fit your individual needs and preferences.
"Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it."
Brené Brown
Your Entrepreneurial Journey
Did you know that ADHD prevalence in entrepreneurs is 3x higher than the general population?
It's true! Neurodivergence can be a a secret weapon for founders, when channeled correctly.
When in alignment with the right environment, conditions and interest, we're blessed with endless and infinite:
focus and productivity
creativity and idea/strategy generation
adaptability and ability to pivot
We can thrive as salespeople and self-starters because we're full of enthusiasm, empathy, deep knowledge and unique skills.
But again, only if we do it the right way. When we are able to manage ourselves correctly then amazing results will follow.
Making the Leap
Many neurodivergent individuals are drawn to entrepreneurship and it's easy to see why.
Entrepreneurial environments capitalize on common ND traits like creativity, hyperfocus, risk-taking, and out-of-the-box thinking - leveraging them as strengths rather than trying to conform them to traditional norms.
And of course, the flexible or remote nature of entrepreneurship can accommodate ND working styles and preferences.
Self-employment offers unique advantages for NDs, especially the opportunity and freedom to
Monetize their passions and interests
Set their own working hours schedules to optimize productivity
Create their own sensory-friendly working environments
Embrace their unique thinking and communication styles
Problem solve in unique and innovative ways
Use their unique insights and understanding to tap into new opportunities
Shape their businesses around their values and contribute meaningfully to society
This autonomy-based lifestyle means that we finally get to be TRUE, authentic ourselves and have the dignity of our own process, which is extremely satisfying, motivating and fulfilling. Entrepreneurship provides an unparalleled sense of ownership and control over one's destiny.
And the icing on the cake? By aligning our inner peace and perseverance with our passions and purpose we get to live our best lives, AND help others do the same. Our gifts, bravery and resilience can serve as an inspiration to others.
Like everyone else, NDs have a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world, and entrepreneurship is often the way we can do this.
The passion part is key. Our brains respond readily to instant gratification, and a job that has purpose & meaning will always win over a position to simply "pay the bills" or climb the corporate ladder.
We aren't wired to take the conventional route or to do things that don't provide joy (or dopamine, in a clinical sense). We are, by nature, cause-driven.
With an endlessly creative mind, we can find and cultivate passion in almost any field. We typically cant settle on one field or job though, so that's why entrepreneurship is often our destiny.
Unfortunately, it's not that simple and easy. Starting, launching and growing a business isn't for the faint of heart. It takes an insane amount of determination, dedication and courage. And it's heartbreaking that so many of us hold the dream in our souls but are held back by our own minds.
"You will spend 1/3 of your life (around 90,000 hours!) over the course of your lifetime working. Don't waste it in a job that makes you feel stuck, compromises your mental health, doesn't fulfil you or doesnt contribute to your growth."
Neurodivergent entrepreneurs will inevitably face hurdles and challenges on the entrepreneurial journey, just like their NT counterparts. We may struggle with all of the administrative responsibilities, marketing tasks and strategic choices that are vital for operating a business.
Time management and organization, which leads to difficulty multitasking, meeting client deadlines, maintaining a consistent work routine. (Example: I have countless to-do lists that I start but never finish)
Long-term abstract thinking, Taking initiative or task completion/follow through, such as publishing content. (Example: I have dozens upon dozens of unfinished blogs!)
Maintaining social dynamics, which manifests as difficulty building professional collaborative relationships or providing strong customer/client services (Example: I avoid networking events because I am awful at small talk or remembering names)
Executive functioning skills, such as difficulty in planning, decision-making, and problem-solving (Example: I can have a hard time managing my login and account info)
Coping with unexpected changes, set backs or inherent uncertainty that are an inevitable part of entrepreneurship (Example: I am terrified of rejection and failure)
Setting boundaries to prioritize self-care and stress management to maintain a healthy balanced work and personal life (Example: I have experienced extreme professional burnout before and truthfully still have some PTSD from it. I will never go back to that pace of life!)
Managing finances, budgeting, and handling the overwhelming details of accounting (Example: I often feel overwhelmed with the legal, tax and financial details of running a business)
Confidence and consistency in the self-promotion required to secure leads or build a solid base of return-customers (Example: I took YEARS to launch and make my offers visible. I am hyperaware of my shortcomings, and can spiral through cycles of shame, guilt, terror and existential angst)
Despite these challenges, millions of neurodivergent entrepreneurs find ways to leverage their strengths and adapt to the world around them and THRIVE in their dream venture. It's all about to accepting yourself and viewing your wiring as a tremendous ASSETT to your entrepreneurial success.
Of course, just as equally we must embrace our failures as valuable learning experiences. There will be inevitable peaks and valleys as a Neurodivergent Entrepreneur. Are you ready for the journey?
"The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones."
John Maynard Keynes
Reframing & Rewriting
Dismantling the beliefs & expectations of your social conditioning is one of, if not THE most important things you can do on your ND journey.
Society tells us...
We're too needy or demanding. In reality, our needs are "neutral" in quantity.They're each valid and we deserve them to be met like everyone else.
We have a deficit of attention. In reality, we regulate our attention differently and have a surplus of productive energy that just needs to be channeled towards the right thing
Anything worth doing is worth doing well. In reality, taking messy action and learning as you go is more important than perfection
Success comes from consistency. In reality, success somes from on-going experimentation and a commitment to simply do what works for you.
"There are lasers in this world- hyper-focused, locked in, masters of one thing. Then there are lanterns- those of us who spread their light in multiple directions, exploring different paths, making connections others can’t see. We need both. Neurodivergence is not a flaw. It’s a superpower, if you stop fighting it and start owning it."
Ryan Evans
Embracing Authenticity
I spent 40 years trying to fit in with everyone else, trying so hard to be anyone but myself. I clung to order and control but it only made me miserable.
I tried to hide my messiness and dampen my intensity, fearing that if I let my "wild side" out, I'd only be misunderstood, denied or rejected. (Turns out, this happened anyway, but it was only by those people not meant for me).
I began to resent the tidy, perfect version of myself I had created. I wanted to burn it all down, which seemed easier than admitting and navigating the transition to unveil the REAL version of me.
When I learned more about neurodiversity it was like a lightbulb going off- that's ME! I felt seen and suddenly so much of my difficulties in life made sense.
Then midlife hormonal changes made my neurodiversity impossible to deny or hide.
A weight lifted when I finally realized I wasn't supposed to change myself. I simply needed to lean into who I was and own it.
The older I get, and the wiser I become, the more willing I am to remove the mask of my own inauthenticity. It's terrifying, and sometimes confusing, but also liberating and SO necessary. Truth is freedom!
My truth: I’m a rebellious soul, a disruptor, a rule breaker. I'm a hot mess. I’m not cut out for what is built for the masses. I am not supposed to conform to tradition, or to fit into those spaces with heels, blazers, business cards, and polite exchanges. I'm not meant for NORMAL.
My "power pose" looks different. I'm here to seek and share alternative perspectives and to forge something new. I do not enjoy being employed by someone else. Never have, never will. I have job-hopped and career-changed my whole life because I was always searching for the better fit - one that would provide the equal balance of safety, security and intellectual challenge.
The internet is already full of "perfect" coaches, healers and business owners. Perfect is flat. Perfect is boring. Imperfect is interesting and intriguing. I personally gravitate towards other Neurodivergent people for this reason.
"To be authentic is literally to be your own author, to discover your own native energies and desires, and then to find your own way of acting on them."
Warren G. Bennis
Creating A More Compassionate & Colorful World
People with neurological differences are not broken or incomplete versions of normal people. Rather than being seen as character flaws, disorders or deficits, these differences should be thought of as part of the normal spectrum of diversity and the human experience. The human brain has natural variations just as much as the body does in shape and color, and just as much as cultures do in language and race.
It's time we celebrate all of our individual differences - physically, emotionally, spiritually and yes- mentally and cognitively.
Neurodiverse people are vital to society and their unique contributions enrich and strengthen our communities in various ways, driving progress and innovation. The diverse tapestry of personalities and traits makes the world a more beautiful place.
Embracing neurodiversity is not just a matter of social responsibility; it is an acknowledgment of the inherent value that each individual brings to the Collective. By supporting and empowering neurodiverse individuals, we create a more vibrant and forward-thinking society for all.
Addressing the everyday challenges of NDs requires a commitment to respect and tolerance, raising awareness and creating more accommodating environments for ALL types of thinkers. There is enough room in our society for everyone to contribute and thrive in their personal power.
Welcome yourself and others with an open heart and open mind.
The Bottom Line
Neurodivergent folks make the most loyal and hardworking employees...that is, in the right workplace and environment. We need a safe and supportive space for us to be our authentic selves.
Our ability to hyper-focus on challenging tasks, generate creative solutions, and possess unique problem-solving skills means we can excel in the workplace where we feel psychologically safe and supported to be our enthusiastic, loyal, passionate and compassionate selves.
Everyone deserves the opportunity to leave their mark on the world. Understanding one's neurodivergence is a crucial step in the lifelong process of self-discovery and actualization.
Anyone can achieve the life and career goals that they want, and everyone deserves to live and work on their own terms, in a way that works for them.
Starting and growing a business is difficult for EVERYONE, not just NDs. But truth me told, NDs are more likely to need specialized support.
This is where I come in. Being ND myself, I help people who struggle in traditional work environments learn how to set up, run, and market their own business in a neurodivergent-friendly way.
Are you a neurospicy business owner who is passionate about something and ready to share it with the world? I'd love to work with you in community. Let's connect!
Dear fellow dreamers and changemakers,
In a world that misunderstands and misguides us daily, we must recognize that being neurodivergent is not a limitation; it is a gift. Our brains are wired differently, and this allows us to think beyond convention and transcend the ordinary.
Imagine a kaleidoscope of fragmented ideas, each bursting with colors and patterns only a few special souls can see. Our minds can weave connections that can leave the world in awe. This ability to see the unseen, to unravel the complexities, and to spot opportunities hidden in plain sight is our superpower.
When you show up authentic, you create the space for others to do the same.
In moments of doubt, remember that our superpower lies in our resilience, flexibility and adaptability. We dance gracefully with change, never shackled by fear of the unknown or the unpredictable tides of entrepreneurship.
While others may strive to fit into molds and follow predetermined paths, we bravely chart our own courses. We are trailblazers, pioneers of our own destinies, shaping realities and that reflect our passions and values. The world needs our fresh perspectives, our unconventional solutions, and our unwavering commitment to creating a better tomorrow.
Stand tall and proud, knowing that your unique superpower is the beacon illuminating the path to success for ourselves, and those around us. As we venture into the realm of entrepreneurship, let us encourage one another, lifting each other up and celebrating the diversity that makes us stronger as a collective. When we delve deep into our life's passions, we become masters of our life's purpose.
Our light extends to the teams we lead and the communities we impact. By fostering an environment that cherishes all types of thinkers, we can harness the full potential of every individual, unleashing a powerful force that knows no bounds.
Let us dare to be different, to break barriers, and to rewrite the rules. The world awaits our brilliance, and together, we will shape a future where our unique hearts and minds shine as a beacon of hope, inspiration, and transformation.
Despite massive challenges in the way your mind works, and in the way that the world is structured, you must believe that it's possible for you! Your potential for greatness is unbelievable.
Whether you're an a Autistic Artist, a Creative who lacks Confidence, or an Introverted Entrepreneur
You have Big Feelings, Big Thoughts, Big Ideas...and you will make a Big Impact.
Your brain works differently: it's overactive and chaotic, and brilliant.
You are creative and capable.
This won't be easy, but you will figure it out. WE will figure it out. Together.

Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach and holistic growth strategist.
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