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"Shameless Self-Promotion": How to Boost Your Confidence as a Heart-led Soulpreneur

Writer's picture: Erin RatliffErin Ratliff

“Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.” 

Roy T. Bennett

The art of self-promotion is the #1 most important thing for entrepreneurs to master in order to align their businesses with their passions and values. But ask anyone who has tried- selling yourself is SO much easier said than done. In this post we'll share some strategies to help soul-preneurs enhance their confidence and effectively promote themselves and their soul-led offerings.

"If you deliberately plan on being less than what you are capable of being of then you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life."

Abraham Maslow

The Myth & Illusion of Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome, a term coined by psychologists in 1978, describes the persistent feelings of self-doubt and fear of being exposed as a "fraud" despite evident success.

While these feelings are real, the notion that many of us are true "imposters", or actually incompetent or incapable, is simply not true. There's no external evidence you're an outsider or that you don't belong.

EVERYONE, even the most confident, accomplished and successful people, experiences self-doubt, fear, anxiety and insecurity at times. It's just part of the human experience. Everyone is battling their own limiting beliefs. And if you're a woman, this is even more so, thanks to our misogynistic society and patriarchal conditioning.

Success is not accidental; it results from hard work, dedication, and continuous learning.

Every day as an entrepreneur you're bravely and courageously...

  • expanding your threshold of knowledge, truth, authenticy, creation and impact.

  • venturing into the unknown, discovering new territories

  • pushing the limits of your safe and familiar comfort zone

  • doing something beautiful and powerful by engaging in something NEW, complicated and scary

To manage and overcome the feelings of "Imposter Syndrome" or regular ol' discomfort it's crucial to embrace a Growth Mindset. Shift your focus from fear to evolution, viewing challenges, mistakes and failures as the best and most natural parts of life and the ideal opportunities for personal and professional learning and improvement.

So spread the word, tell all your friends: There’s no such thing as imposter syndrome! If you're nervous or scared its simply because you haven’t been here yet, you haven't done this before.

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Susan Jeffers

Understanding Self-Esteem & Self-Belief

Self-esteem is crucial for soul-preneurs because it allows you to better navigate the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey. Believing in yourself means trusting your intuition, making bold decisions, persisting through challenges, and fostering a mindset that embraces on-going growth and learning. Ultimately, this is the fuel that drives soul-preneurs to create meaningful and transformative businesses and change the world for the better.

What does true self-esteem look and feel like?


  • showing self kindness

  • embracing individuality

  • celebrating your strengths

  • forgiving self for mistakes


  • setting and working towards goals

  • challenging negative thoughts

  • celebrating achievements outwardly

  • leaving comfort zone


  • asserting personal and professional boundaries

  • prioritizing self care and wellbeing

  • communicating your needs

  • treating self with grace and honor


  • practicing self-affirmations

  • reminding self of value

  • engaging in activities you enjoy

  • surrounding self with positive people


  • practicing self care

  • acknowledging emotions and needs

  • offering self-encouragement

  • seeing mistakes or failures as opportunities for learning


  • aligning Actions with Words

  • learning and reflecting

  • setting and maintaining healthy boundaries

  • reinforcing belief through positive self-talk

"Self-worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy."

Wayne Dyer

Tools & Tips for Increasing Your Ability to Self-Promote

Knowing Your Self

Grab your journal. If you don’t have one, buy the most beautiful one you can find. It has to be really special! On the first six empty pages, write these titles:

  • What am I good at?

  • What have I accomplished recently that makes me proud?

  • What skills do I have that are useful in my life?

  • What are the good things about my personality?

  • What do I like about myself physically, emotionally, or personally?

  • What do people say they appreciate about me?

Schedule time in your calendar to reflect and answer these questions. Read your answers 3 times a day for the next 3 months and see what happens to your self-esteem!

Defining Your Why

It's imperative to first understand the deeper purpose behind your business. For most soulpreneurs, it's to make their mark on the world and leave a positive impact. Remembering why you started is the ultimate driving force to keep you going for the long-haul each day.

Shift your focus from self-promotion to value-proposition. It's not about building yourself up, but actually benefiting others with your one-of-a-kind strengths, skills, and talents. Focus on what sets you apart from others, and the inherent value your offerings can bring.

"Because he believes in himself, he doesn't try to convince others. Because he is content with himself, he doesn't need others approval. Because he accepts himself, the whole world accepts him"

Lao Tzu

Get Prepared

Feeling nervous, scared or awkward to put yourself out there may be an indication that you're simply not set up to succeed yet. Focus on establishing the essential processes, systems and solutions to feel more adequaately prepared, solid, and supported. And if you identify major knowledge gaps, just know this could be an opportunity for upskilling...or outsourcing!

Building Your Brand

True or false: “If your work speaks for itself, you shouldn’t have to build your personal brand.” 

You guessed it... FALSE!

Even if you’re one of the most talented, high-performing leaders in your company and your work is stellar, your skills and successes might go unnoticed and overlooked. To really grow and gain respect in your career some authentic, strategic self-promotion might be in order.


  • Because Talent doesn’t equal Recognition.

  • Because Success requires Relationship-Building - and it's a numbers game. Lots of People need to know who you are and what you have to offer.

  • Because Lean organizations need to employ and keep the best performers.

When self-promotion is done well it disguises itself as key leadership skills:

  • effective communication

  • managing up

  • networking and relationship-building

  • information-sharing

The recipe for greatness? A little talent, a little delusion and a lot of audacity.

Don't fall for these Limiting Beliefs and Myths about your Success:

  • Myth: Accomplishments should speak for themselves.

  • Truth: It’s your job to let people know about your work, why it’s important, and how it benefits others.

  • Myth: My boss is too busy to hear me talk about myself.

  • Truth: Being able to talk about your own accomplishments and the support you need is an important part of convincing your boss to invest in your development.

  • Myth: Team players don’t need to take credit for a job well done.

  • Truth: High visibility benefits the whole team. Develop the skill to communicate, reward and recognize the value of the work and the talent of the people on the team.

  • Fear: I don’t want to brag

  • Reality: Think of it as walking into the spotlight rather than trying to shine it on yourself. One carries an energy of confidence, and the other is desperation.

  • Limiting Belief: “I’m just not comfortable promoting myself.”

  • Growth Belief: Self-promotion is a key component of a leader’s effectiveness and long-term success. To develop strong, effective self-promotional skills, leaders need to find a balance between obnoxiously boastful and having modest humility.

"Be vocal, be visible, but most of all be active and involved."

Monte Pedersen

Visualize Success

Ask yourself every day, "What would my most impactful and confident version of myself do today?" A daily visualization and meditation practice can help build your confidence and reduce anxiety. Every day, imagine yourself confidently promoting your offerings, receiving positive responses and reviews, and building your wealth.

Set Small Goals

Start with achievable and comfortable goals, like promoting yourself in familiar environments, within your existing networks, or on platforms where you naturally feel at ease. As you accomplish these goals, you'll gradually grow your confidence and then be able to build up to bigger, more expansive goals. You may always have a lingering feeling of intimidation, but you'll at least have the data to show how capable you are.

Build Resilience

You've got to overcome your fear of judgement or criticism from others. Accept that not every promotional effort will yield immediate success, and not everyone will resonate with your offerings. Instead focus on reaching your specific target audience and helping those who DO connect with your energy, your message, and voice. THOSE are your people.

"Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness."

Oprah Winfrey

Share Stories

Whenever possible, share personal stories and first-hand experiences to make you feel more relatable and engaging. Every entrepreneur feels self-doubt and insecurity, and it's ok to be vulnerable and talk about it on occasion!

Connect and Collaborate

Network with other like-minded entrepreneurs to amplify your reach and impact. Partnerships and collaborations can boost your visibility and help you get the practice of team or project coordination.

Also, don't forget to reach out to mentors, peers, colleagues or coaches for guidance and encouragement. External support can provide fresh perspectives and boost your confidence further.

Upskilling & Upleveling

Invest in continuous learning, improving your skills and expert knowledge base. The more knowledgeable, experienced and informed you are, the more confident you'll feel discussing your work or specialty.

Hard truth: No matter how hard you try, you will probably still be criticized regardless so you might as well be yourself and do what you want.

Adopt "Success Syndrome"

Reframe your internalized toxic "imposter syndrome" narrative. Start seeing yourself as an incredibly blessed and fortunate person, literally repeating to yourself and others “I’m so lucky, everything always works out for me!” Wait and watch as miracles continue to show up financially, relationally, and situationally.

Remember, your beliefs create your reality. You can become an energetic match to your desires by aligning your thoughts and feelings to what you want to attract, whatever is your desired outcome.

2-5-5-10 Method

This exercise can help boost your confidence and power before an important interview, meeting or presentation.

  • 2 Minute Power Pose

  • 5 Declarations

"I will feel/believe/accomplish..."

"They will feel/believe accomplish..."

  • 5 Affirmations ("I am...")

  • 10 Deep Breaths

Stop negotiating your value. You're worth it.

Keep Your Power

Interviewing, pitching or selling yourself? In entrepreneurship always try to keep the power in your favor by advocating for your desires, your terms, your agenda. How? By TELLING them, not asking them.

Remember, the other party also has their own needs and desires and will be willing to hold strong, so you must do the same for yours. Passively staying in overly accommodating, people-pleasing energy rather is a sure way to be manipulated and negotiated into something you're unhappy with.

Of you can consider their requests but DON'T settle. Shift the power and watch how your ideal, most aligned clients bend and adjust.

Instead of "What's your budget" say "My retainer starts at.."

Instead of "What are you looking for" say "Here's what I can offer..."

Instead of "What are your expectations? Mine are flexible" say "My expectations are..."

See the difference?

Be ok with moving on from those that don't align, so that there is space those that do. With each match, you are one step closer to building your dream business, your dream life.

"Believe in yourself and all that you are. There is someting inside of you bigger than any obstacle."

Christian Larson

Activate Your Inner Icon

If you want to become the most magnetic person in the room it starts with mastering your mind. Confidence isn’t about how you look or what you have—it’s about how you think and feel about yourself. When you fully believe in your own worth, others will naturally reflect that back to you.

So consciously shift out of worrying what others think & focus on the value your presence brings. Imagine energy, people, opportunity flowing to you. Get "in your frame" and embody a goddess, an icon you admire from the inside out. Then watch how the world responds.

"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it."

Maya Angelou

Friendly Reminders

Practice Self-Compassion

Practice unconditional self-love and self-acceptance. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that "failures" (yes, they're usually an illusion), mistakes, and missteps are normal and natural. Treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer to a friend facing similar mindset challenges.

Remember, not only do you DESERVE success, but you're also doing the best you can, and that's more than enough! Release the impossible, unrealistic and unattainable standards of perfection that you or others have placed upon you. Lastly, stop relying on external validation to fuel your worth. Your value is already inherent inside of you, no matter what you're doing, or not doing.

Positive Self-Talk

Challenge those moments of negativity and self-criticism or shame with positive affirmations. Repeat daily til you believe it at your core!

I love what I have and what's still on it's way.

I love where I am and where I am going.

I like what I do and I like how I do it.

I like my mistakes, and I like their pace, and their lessons.

I know who I am, I love who I am and I love who I am becoming.

I don’t want to be anybody else but ME.

Reflect on Your Progress

Regularly reflect on how far you've come since you started. Recognizing your growth and your ability to overcome past challenges and failures can reinforce your confidence and encourage you to keep improving and persisting.

Also, don't forget to CELEBRATE each accomplishment and achievement, big or small. Collect positive feedback from clients, customers, or supporters and refer to it often. Reminding yourself of your wins and successes can boost your self-assurance, while gratitude can help maintain a positive mindset and momentum forward.

Authenticity Matters

Remember to always be genuine and authentic in your self-promotion. Authenticity resonates with others and can help you feel more comfortable in your own skin, thus attracting the customers that are meant for you.

We cheer for athletes regardless of whether or not they reach the finish line. Do the same for yourself.

Avoid Comparison

It's a trap! When you find yourself comparing your situation, skills or experience to someone else’s - stop right there! Remember that everyone is on their own personal journey which is unique, with their own wins and struggles along the way. What you observe about someone else, is never the same as how it exists for them. And what someone observes about you, may not be the same truth that exists for you. The only comparison you should ever be doing is this: who you are today vs. who you were yesterday. That is the only thing that really matters.

Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice self-promotion, the more confident you'll become. Consistency over time can gradually reduce self-doubt.

Lean Into Discomfort

You’ll be 'bad' before you’ll be great. Every talented person you know went through their 'Cringe era' - countless hours practicing, expirementing. And of course, doubting themselves and wanting to give up.

There are no shortcuts to mastery. Go all in on discomfort and instability. Expect embarrassment! Expect failure! These are the cost you pay to become the best version of yourself.

Reframe Your Flaws

All of us have been labeled unfairly at some point in our lives, and we carry those negative stories and judgements with us. If you've ever felt misunderstood or criticized, make sure to start reframing it into strengths instead.

  • Perfectionist → Detail-oriented, committed to excellence

  • Easily distracted → Curious, multi-passionate, adaptable

  • Too bold → Confident, fearless, willing to take necessary risks

  • Too ambitious → Driven, visionary, committed to growth

  • Too quiet → Observant, deep thinker, intentional with words

  • Too sensitive → Deeply empathetic, emotionally intelligent

  • Too emotional → Passionate, expressive, in tune with feelings

  • Indecisive → Thoughtful, cautious, reflective, open to possibilities

  • Hard to please → Holds high standards, values quality

  • Difficult → Discerning, principled, not easily swayed

“Self-trust is the first secret of success"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

You are Your Own Worst Enemy

You don't need more time, confidence, or clarity to increase your confidence.

What you ACTUALLY need?

To release perfectionism

To stop overthinking

To avoid comparing

To take action instead of procrastinating, self-sabotaging, avoiding or complaining

These are actually the things stopping you from taking steps forward.

And we do that through the INNER WORK: self-compassion and self-healing.

Stop externalizing an internal problem and give yourself what you actually need instead.⁠

"You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens."

Louise Hay

Wrapping It Up

Cultivating a belief in your own value and capabilities enables you to better serve your client and community with your heart-filled purpose and mission.

Remember that building confidence and mastering self-promotion is a journey. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the progress you make along the way.

⁠You are brilliant and an expert at what you do. You've spent so much time learning, honing your skills and becoming the best at your craft.

Don't believe me? I'd love to be a cheerleader for your journey.

"Believe you can and you're halfway there"

Theodor Roosevelt


Erin Ratliff is a holistic business coach and organic growth & visibility marketer serving energy-sensitive, earth-loving, heart-led soul-preneurs, self-starters, and founders with the mission of personal and planetary healing.

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